Bio Labo House

When given the chance to attend a special eco-friendly event involving sustainability and vegan hamburgers, of course, you jump at the chance! Food creator Miica Fran calls to our attention that it takes 2500L of water to make a beef hamburger. Her answer? Make irresistible plant-based burgers which are not only great for the environment, but also for your health.

She uses the freshest organic vegetables in her cooking, which definitely make a difference in the end result. The savory three bean burger with sour cream balanced perfectly with the fresh bed of lettuce and tomato – and the potatoes, not to be overlooked, were cut and roasted to perfection. The pickles and mushroom garnished on top adds a sharp and contrasting taste to this savory dish.

The drink we were served was a special chilled pick-me-up, fitting for such a hot humid day. It was infused with lemon and shiso leaf, a common herb used in cooking in Japan. Sometimes called the ‘beefsteak plant’ in English, we assure you, shiso is completely vegan and beef-free (just like our burger).

Although this was just a pop-up event, expect more from her as she’s opening up an organic shop that delivers out of Tohoku soon. Watch this space and follow her on Instagram for more of her culinary projects!

Miica Fran’s plant-based three-bean burger
A closeup of the toppings
Fresh shiso infused drink

Price Range: ¥¥

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